Investing in improvements to practices and standards for dairy farmers

News Release Ottawa

January 28, 2019 St. Albert, Ontario–– Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Canada’s dairy sector has a long standing reputation for sustainably and responsibly producing high-quality, safe, and nutritious milk and dairy products for Canadians. The dairy industry contributes $20.9 billion for the Canadian economy.

Agriculture and AgriFood Minister Lawrence MacAulay, and Member of Parliament for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Francis Drouin, were at Ferme Geranik today to announce an investment of up to $2.7 million to support Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) enhance public trust in dairy production through the continuation and implementation of their quality assurance program, proAction, as well as the pursuit of an industry environmental sustainability strategy.

Building on progress achieved to date with proAction, this investment will help DFC further develop and implement proAction, pursue stakeholder engagement, initiate an industry environmental sustainability strategy, and implement a plan to communicate with stakeholders, customers, and consumers on DFC’s quality assurance and sustainability activities.

“Our Government is pleased to support Canada’s dairy farmers in their efforts to demonstrate that their products meet the highest standards for quality and safety, and are produced responsibly and sustainably. Building consumer confidence and trust helps ensure the growth and sustainability of Canada’s dairy sector.” - Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

“Dairy farmers are a vital part of our communities. These investments will benefit our local farmers and enhance our reputation for high quality and sustainability.” - Francis Drouin, Member of Parliament for Glengarry—Prescott Russell

“Dairy farmers across Canada are committed to the highest standards in regards to sustainable production. As such, our proAction® program has been instrumental in demonstrating farmers’ responsible stewardship in producing milk that is of the highest  quality. This funding will allow for ongoing improvement of proAction® and will ensure that the industry meets the expectations of consumers for decades to come.” - Pierre Lampron, President of Dairy Farmers of Canada

Quick Facts
• Through Dairy Farmers of Canada’s proAction program, Canadian dairy farmers collectively demonstrate responsible stewardship of their animals and the environment, sustainably producing high-quality, safe, and nutritious food for consumers.
• The AgriAssurance Program, under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, supports projects, at the national level, to help industry develop and adopt systems, standards and tools to support health and safety claims about Canadian agricultural and agrifood products.

Additional Links

Canadian Agricultural Partnership
AgriAssurance Program - National Industry Association Component
Dairy Farmers of Canada

About Dairy Farmers of Canada

Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national policy, lobbying and promotional organization representing Canada’s farmers. DFC strives to create stable conditions for the Canadian dairy sector, today and in the future. It works to maintain policies that foster the viability of Canadian dairy farming and promote dairy products and their health benefits.

Media Contact

Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay
[email protected]


Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
[email protected]
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