
The Canadian Dairy Research Council is responsible for the oversight and approval of the development, implementation and delivery of Dairy Farmers of Canada’s research programs and investments.

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The Canadian Dairy Research Council (CDRC) reports to Dairy Farmers of Canada’s (DFC) Board of Directors. The Council is responsible for approving and overseeing  research investments and programs within DFC’s approved budget for human health and nutrition, and dairy production research on the basis of the National Dairy Research Strategy

The CDRC is comprised of six members from DFC’s Board of Directors (dairy farmers) and representatives from DFC member organizations, establishing a communications link between all stakeholders to facilitate collaboration and better coordination of national and provincial dairy research.
Gouvernance CCRL


Dairy farmer representatives from DFC’s Board of Directors (voting members):

Representatives from DFC’s member organizations (non-voting members):

  • Bita Farhang, Dairy Farmers of Ontario
  • Chantal Fleury, Les Producteurs de lait du Québec
  • Élise Gosselin, Novalait Inc. 
  • Guy Séguin, Dairy Farmers of Ontario 
  • Mike Slomp, Alberta Milk
  • Sarah Stanley, Dairy Farmers of PEI
  • Brian Van Doormaal, Lactanet
  • Henry Younes, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba 

Expert Committees

Expert committees regroup independent scientists, technical experts, and specialists from different areas with a  mandate to provide reviews and recommendations to the CDRC for consideration when making decisions regarding research investments.