"To encourage biodiversity on our land, we do several things such as crop rotation to protect our soil. We also planted trees to serve as windbreaks to protect our riparian zones. They protect the water sources that we have next to our fields. I find that our efforts for biodiversity have brought a lot of benefits to our farm.
For example, just the trees that serve as windbreaks near our riparian zones also contributed to soil health. And, by also doing crop rotations, we minimize the risk of harmful insects spreading in the soil.
We see a lot of different animals and beneficial insects on our land.
I would say that we share the land with the bats, toads, deer and lots of different kinds of birds and small fish.
I find it so important to take care of the nature surrounding us. I love coming to the little stream with my son, swimming and also walking through the forest and hearing the birds singing.
It's really peaceful living here among all the small animals and the richness of the forest."

"We’ve actively planted trees every year on our farm. We take advantage of the Saskpower tree program where they give out trees for shelterbelts. So we've actually been planting 500 to 1000 trees every year
through our woodlands and trying to put in shelter belts on our farm to catch moisture and also provide habitat for the birds and animals.
Our grasslands are home to our deer the elk, and pronghorn. Badgers are out there. There is Richardson's ground squirrel. There's ducks that are also in the grasslands.
Prairies are a benefit to wildlife and provide grazing lands for cattle. Cattle activity also improves soil health.
The trees provide protection from the wind, catch the snow, which provides water in the spring for the crops in the field.
The wetlands collect water in low areas and that dissipates into the fields over the growing season. We find that crops tend to be a little bit thicker, a bit heavier around wetland areas.
I like the trees. There's nothing that beats a prairie sunset or sunrise; the still and quietness in the morning of being out on the land and hearing the birds. At night it’s the coyotes: there's nothing like listening to the coyotes howl."