Dairy Farmers of Canada

Ham, Apricots and Camembert on Toast

This is the Ham, Apricots and Camembert on Toast recipe.

  • Prep: 15 min
  • Cooking: 5 min - 10 min
Yields 4 servings
ham apricots and camembert on toast


  • 1/4 cup (60 mL) water
  • 3 tbsp (45 mL) orange juice
  • 12 dried apricots
  • 1/2 tsp (2 mL) ground nutmeg
  • 4 slices crusty whole-grain or whole-wheat bread toasted
  • 8 thin slices of cooked ham
  • 5 oz (150 g) Canadian Camembert sliced
  • Freshly ground pepper to taste
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Preheat oven to 475 °F (250 °C).

In a saucepan, bring water and orange juice to a boil. Add apricots and nutmeg. Simmer, letting apricots rehydrate for about 5 minutes. Once apricots have swollen up, continue simmering to reduce extra liquid.

Cover a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Arrange toast on cookie sheet. Place a slice of ham on each slice of toast, top with apricots and cover with cheese. Sprinkle with pepper, if desired.

Bake for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted and golden. Serve with fresh fruit or a green salad.


You can assemble this dish ahead and bake it at the last minute.

For a change of taste, try with Canadian Brie, Havarti, Gouda, etc.

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Nutritional information

Per serving
Energy: 280 Calories
Protein: 17 g
Fat: 11 g
Sodium: 881 mg

Top 5 Nutrients

(% DV*)
Calcium: 17 % / 188 mg
Vitamin B12: 32 %
Thiamin: 26 %
Phosphorus: 25 %
Zinc: 23 %