Reducing and Recycling Plastic
Canadian dairy farmers are continuing to work towards a more sustainable future. Their innovative recycling projects find ways to both reduce the plastics used on farms and recycle it by connecting with local recycling depots and manufacturers.
What are some methods of managing plastics used on dairy farms?
On-farm plastic may be recycled through dedicated programs that repurpose on-farm plastics into something else. Some programs also take back plastics such as chemical containers for another use. Using compostable products also minimizes plastic waste.
What kinds of agricultural plastics can be recycled on dairy farms?
Containers, twine, bale wrap, silage covers, and feed bags can be recycled.
Who is helping Canadian farmers recycle farm plastics?
Cleanfarms is an innovative company bringing new recycling initiatives to Canadian dairy farms by recycling agricultural plastics in conjunction with local recycling depots and manufacturers. Learn more about Cleanfarms.

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