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Showing 111 - 120 of 126 results

Welcome to Glenview Farms

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

Farming has never been easy, but farming in Newfoundland is especially challenging – it’s an isolated island with limited land and a shorter growing season due to its climate. Despite its challenges, the Walsh family wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

Getting ahead of mental health under COVID-19

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

With school, work and personal routines replaced with unpredictability and uncertainty, mental health has quickly become a top concern in the wake of the pandemic. Psychologist Pierrette Desrosiers spoke with DFC to offer her advice to farmers on maintaining mental health during COVID-19.

How to start a cooking club

Consumer Article DFC - PLC

Want to explore new cuisines, test out a new cookbook, or can enough tomato sauce to make it through the year? Here’s how to make a cooking club happen.

Family, self-sufficiency, and innovation

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

It was the Porter family’s resiliency and perseverance that led them to found Porter’s Dairy Farm. The farm provided for the family and has fed the community for the past 120 years.