Search in Dairy in Canada and Canadian Goodness

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Showing 71 - 80 of 171 results

Milk, is it in the things you love?

Consumer Quiz DFC - PLC

Word on the street is that Canadian milk is up to delicious things. But what do YOU know? Take this quiz and find out.

Nourish your insides

Consumer Article DFC - PLC

Digestive health has everyone talking these days, and for good reason! Of course, a healthy gut promotes good digestion, but the benefits don’t end there. Discover why you should take proper care of your insides, and how.

ProAction Biosecurity Module Launched

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

This latest proAction phase is a critical step that makes industry standards for biosecure farm practices mandatory, measurable and transparent.

9 quick tips to help you win at meal planning

Consumer List

Since healthy eating habits and home-cooked meals go hand-in-hand, a little planning can go a long way to make eating well (at home) a reality. Here are 9 simple tips to help get you started.