5 time-saving kitchen strategies


When life keeps you busy, home-cooked meals are all the more important. Master these simple strategies to cut your time in the kitchen without sacrificing delicious flavours. Meal planning can be easier than you think!

  • 1. Cook in large quantities and freeze in containers

    Homemade tomato sauce in a jar

    When making spaghetti sauce, chili, broth, or even pesto, whip  up a large batch or double the recipe. Extras can come in handy for another meal in the week, or they can be frozen in individual or family-sized portions. A simple way to do this is by pouring the cooled recipe into a muffin tin (great for chilis, curries, and pasta sauces) or an ice cube tray (try it for broth and pesto). Place in the freezer and transfer to a plastic container once frozen solid. When you need some next, you can unfreeze just the portions you need.

  • 2. Prepare and trim your vegetables in advance

    Preparing vegetables in advance

    When you bring home veggies from the grocery store, wash and trim them in advance, then store them in plastic containers. This simple step saves you prep time for meals and snacks. Cut veggies, with or without accompanying dip, are great for packed lunches or as an after-school snack.

    Wash and separate lettuce leaves, and store in a perforated resealable bag. This way, leafy greens will stay fresh and keep longer. Making a salad is now a breeze, especially when you have vinaigrette on hand. Just add some veggies, leftover chicken, smoked ham, or shredded cheese – and voilà!


  • 3. Make good use of fresh fruit

    Meal prep tips: prepare fruit in advance

    Wash and cut up fruits that store well in reusable containers. You’ll have ready-made, nutritious snacks that your kids will be happy to help themselves to after school. You can also add cut-up fruit to yogurt or to a bowl of vanilla ice cream.

    Plus, fruit that is extra ripe doesn’t have to go waste. Make smoothies by placing them in a blender along with some milk or yogurt and a bit of honey. In no time, you’ll have a fresh and healthy treat!


  • 4. Use up those leftovers

    Shepherd’s pie can be made with leftovers

    Leftover meat from dinner can be diced, sliced, or ground, and stored in the fridge. Grind up leftover roast beef or veal, then repurpose it into a tasty Shepherd’s Pie.  You can also slice or grind cooked ham, and add it to sandwiches, omelettes, salads, or quiches.

  • 5. Make the most of your freezer

    Food in freezer

    Don’t hesitate to fill your freezer. Over time, it will serve as your second pantry that will help you out when needed. The foods you’ve frozen, like stews, a good soup or a pie made with seasonal fruit can be turned to for an easy meal solution. Plus, as we all know, some foods just taste better when reheated.

    Look in your favourite recipes for ones that freeze well and batch up your cooking. Got a favourite muffin recipe? Double it and freeze the muffins once cooled. You’ll be able to reheat them for a quick grab-and-go breakfast, a snack for your lunchbox, or a homemade dessert your kids will enjoy.


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