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Happy World Milk Day!

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

World Milk Day signifies a time to recognize Canada’s dairy farmers’ contributions to the health of our nation’s families and economy

On NAFTA: Don’t blink!

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

With Ministers from Canada, the United States, and Mexico converging on Washington this week, dairy farmers’ message to the Canadian negotiating team is simple: don’t blink!

DFC reacts to the TPP-11 Ministerial Statement

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

According to today’s Ministerial Statement released from the TPP-11 talks in Da Nang Vietnam, no final agreement has been reached on a TPP-11 deal without the United States.

There’s no monopoly on supporting dairy

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

Canadian and U.S. dairy industries are fundamentally different. While Canadians enjoy stable prices and supply, the US market is vulnerable to unexpected surplus of product, driving prices down for farmers and disrupting the market for consumers.

DFC response to the Montreal Economic Institute

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

On August 17th, 2017, the Montreal Economic Institute released yet another misleading paper in their ideologically fuelled quest to rid Canada of supply management. The paper itself, titled “Does Agricultural Prosperity Require Supply Management?” offers little, if any, evidence to back up that claim.

Getting ahead of mental health under COVID-19

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

With school, work and personal routines replaced with unpredictability and uncertainty, mental health has quickly become a top concern in the wake of the pandemic. Psychologist Pierrette Desrosiers spoke with DFC to offer her advice to farmers on maintaining mental health during COVID-19.

Animal Care is Our Business

Corporate Resource

When it comes to their cows, dairy farmers are the experts – but they also work with experts, like vets and cow nutrition experts. Come and meet the team!