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Pierre Lampron Statement

Corporate News

Canada’s dairy farmers stand with our fellow Canadians in rejecting the US administration’s personal attacks on our Prime Minister

Getting ahead of mental health under COVID-19

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

With school, work and personal routines replaced with unpredictability and uncertainty, mental health has quickly become a top concern in the wake of the pandemic. Psychologist Pierrette Desrosiers spoke with DFC to offer her advice to farmers on maintaining mental health during COVID-19.


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Thank you Canada! Canadians Love Canadian Dairy

Corporate News

Canadian dairy farmers are thrilled by the overwhelming reaction of our fellow Canadians who took time to provide their words of support online and in person in recent weeks. Thank you for continuing to choose Canadian milk and dairy products!

Our board of directors

Corporate Resource

Meet our board members and learn why making the best possible milk holds a special place in their hearts.

A Day in the Life of a Canadian Dairy Cow

Corporate Resource

It only takes a few minutes to milk a cow – so how do they spend the rest of their day? Learn more about the typical day of a Canadian dairy cow.

The story of the Crozier family and Cheslen Dairies

Corporate News

Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is proud to present the book Dairy Farmers, Deeply Rooted for a Strong Future, which features, representing Alberta, the Crozier family of Cheslen Dairies, located in Sturgeon County, north of Edmonton.

The Ell Family – Dairy Trailblazers in Western Canada

Corporate News

Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is proud to present the book Dairy Farmers, Deeply Rooted for a Strong Future, which features, representing Saskatchewan, the Ell family of Ell Dairy Farm, in Kronau, Saskatchewan.

Showing 1 - 10 of 25 results