Search in Dairy in Canada and Canadian Goodness

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Showing 51 - 60 of 92 results

Bringing Sustainability to the Table

Consumer Article DFC - PLC

Check out these zero-waste recipes developed by prominent chefs, and featuring delicious Canadian dairy. Sustainability has never tasted so good.

8 Facts You Should Know About Canadian Milk and Antibiotics

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

For many of us, dairy is a major source of nutrients and comfort. Which is why it makes sense that our dairy farmers work tirelessly to ensure the milk they provide is full of only the good stuff, and safe from the not-so-good stuff.

Grill & chill: 6 backyard BBQ recipe ideas

Consumer List

All fired up about BBQ season? You definitely will be after checking out these 6 tasty reasons to get your grill in gear. Salads, burgers, and dessert included.

Is milk only good for calves?

Consumer Question

Humans are omnivores, which means we are naturally able to eat all sorts of different plant and animal foods. We can derive great benefits from the high nutrient richness and availability of milk and milk products.