Search in Dairy in Canada and Canadian Goodness

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Showing 11 - 20 of 126 results

Alberta bound – The Crozier family

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

In 1896, David Crozier ventured to what is now Sturgeon County, just north of Edmonton, where he purchased Cutbank Farm from William Cust. This land, which lies on the shores of Cutbank Lake, has remained in the Crozier family for 120 years. Today, David’s great grandson Lenard owns and operates Cheslen Dairies with his sons, Jason and Brett.

A new generation of Canadian dairy farmers

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

Each bringing unique skills to a job they love, Canadian dairy farmers have one thing in common: a passion for producing the best possible milk. Here are their stories.

Climate Change: Doing Our Part

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

Canadian dairy farmers are deeply committed to combatting climate change and to adopting sustainable farming practices – our livelihood depends on it.

Plastic recycling solutions with Cleanfarms

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

There are so many different ways Canadian dairy farmers are working to create a more sustainable future. Check out our animation series where we explore just one of them: recycling agricultural plastics with Cleanfarms.

Canadian dairy farmers turning into biogas pioneers

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

As dairy farmers continue to look towards the future with a focus on sustainability, incorporating biodigesters onto the farm is an opportunity to source additional revenue while doing good for the environment.

Welcome to Glenview Farms

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

Farming has never been easy, but farming in Newfoundland is especially challenging – it’s an isolated island with limited land and a shorter growing season due to its climate. Despite its challenges, the Walsh family wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

ProAction Biosecurity Module Launched

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

This latest proAction phase is a critical step that makes industry standards for biosecure farm practices mandatory, measurable and transparent.

Food safety from farm to table

Corporate Resource

From milking to storage, inspection to processing, learn more about all the steps we follow to produce milk safely – from our farms to your table.

Healthy Cows Make Happy Farmers

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

From health care to stall comfort to record-keeping, Canadian dairy farmers are proud to set and follow some of the highest animal care standards in the world.

Showing 11 - 20 of 126 results