Search in Dairy in Canada and Canadian Goodness

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Showing 21 - 30 of 105 results

Welcome to Glenview Farms

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

Farming has never been easy, but farming in Newfoundland is especially challenging – it’s an isolated island with limited land and a shorter growing season due to its climate. Despite its challenges, the Walsh family wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

Climate Change: Doing Our Part

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

Canadian dairy farmers are deeply committed to combatting climate change and to adopting sustainable farming practices – our livelihood depends on it.

ProAction Biosecurity Module Launched

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

This latest proAction phase is a critical step that makes industry standards for biosecure farm practices mandatory, measurable and transparent.

Canadian dairy farmers turning into biogas pioneers

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

As dairy farmers continue to look towards the future with a focus on sustainability, incorporating biodigesters onto the farm is an opportunity to source additional revenue while doing good for the environment.

Healthy Cows Make Happy Farmers

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

From health care to stall comfort to record-keeping, Canadian dairy farmers are proud to set and follow some of the highest animal care standards in the world.

Cow Comfort: Our Values and Standards

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

We’re committed to the best treatment and well-being of all our animals. Find out how we advocate for better animal care and high standards on the farm.