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COVID-19: Information for consumers

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

We recognize that in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, consumers have a variety of questions about milk and dairy products. Please find information and answers to some of the most common questions here.

The basics: how to heat up milk

Consumer Article DFC - PLC

Here are some easy methods that take you through how to warm up milk for best results.

New DFC campaign reminds Millennials of dairy-filled foods they love

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

Millennials may not drink as much milk as previous generations, but they couldn’t imagine living their lives without cheese, yogurt, smoothies, ice cream, or butter. In response to these changing tastes, an innovative new campaign by the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) aims to shift perceptions of dairy amongst Millennial and Gen-Z consumers by rethinking how it’s consumed.

Yogurt: Get in on a good thing

Consumer Article DFC - PLC

Yogurt is more than just a satisfying snack. Bonus: it's a nutritious food too! Let’s take a look!

Welcome to Glenview Farms

Corporate Article Pierre Lampron

Farming has never been easy, but farming in Newfoundland is especially challenging – it’s an isolated island with limited land and a shorter growing season due to its climate. Despite its challenges, the Walsh family wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

Dairy Farmers of Canada welcomes compensation announcement

Corporate News

The announcement today by the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, of the second year of promised compensation for concessions made to the domestic dairy production as part of CETA and CPTPP as well as the schedule of payments for the remaining balance provides more certainty for dairy farmers, according to DFC.

Cow Comfort: Our Values and Standards

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

We’re committed to the best treatment and well-being of all our animals. Find out how we advocate for better animal care and high standards on the farm.

Investing in improvements to practices and standards for dairy farmers

Corporate News

Agriculture and AgriFood Minister Lawrence MacAulay, and Member of Parliament for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Francis Drouin, were at Ferme Geranik today to announce an investment of up to $2.7 million to support Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) enhance public trust in dairy production through the continuation and implementation of their quality assurance program, proAction, as well as the pursuit of an industry environmental sustainability strategy.

A new generation of Canadian dairy farmers

Corporate Article DFC - PLC

Each bringing unique skills to a job they love, Canadian dairy farmers have one thing in common: a passion for producing the best possible milk. Here are their stories.