7 green recipes to try this St. Patrick’s Day (or any other day)
In honour of St. Patrick’s Day, we’re going green. But let it be known, these recipes are so tasty you’ll be making them well beyond St. Patrick’s Day.
Bonus Recipe #8: Check out the chocolatey Pot of Gold Cupcakes too!

St. Patricks’ day is an ideal occasion to go green in the kitchen before you brave the outdoors for the parade. But after taking one bite of these meals, desserts, and snacks, you’ll wish green-themed cuisine was the norm all year round. Here’s a secret: it totally can be.
1. Irish Cream Coffee
Impress your friends and family at your next get-together with this classic coffee-based cocktail topped with Canadian whipped cream.
2. Green and gooey macaroni and cheese
Heaps of comfort food is an absolute must when celebrating during winter months. What makes this a tried-and-true treat is a Canadian Parmesan and Cheddar cheese sauce freckled with spinach and broccoli. Either way, it’s a mac and cheese dish you’ll want to savour any day.
3. Honeydew, apple and avocado smoothie
Packed with nutrients and flavour, this green smoothie kicks it up a knotch with fresh mint and ginger.
4. Gnocchi with chicken, green beans and feta
The bright green beans and peas make this the perfect savoury dish to enjoy on St-Patrick's Day.
5. Cheesy green onion pancake
Do away with the standard stack of maple syrup-topped pancakes, and experiment with something a little more apt for the holiday. Start with naan bread, and layer it liberally with green onions, shallots, and shredded Canadian Cheddar cheese. Beware: this green recipe may permanently convert you to savoury pancakes!
6. Fresh pesto beans & greens orzo
If you have noodle fatigue (it’s rare, but it happens!), try this pasta-meets-rice dinner or side dish. A bright mix of leafy greens, dollops of pesto, fresh herbs, and shelled edamame keep this dish tasting extra fresh. Don’t forget to sprinkle on Canadian Parmesan shavings to top it off!
7. Wee leprechaun cheesecakes
This cheesecake recipe is the pot of gold of desserts: soft and creamy Canadian cream cheese filling on crunchy lemon wafer, topped with a green sparkly cream for a deliciously festive edge. Plus, they’re “wee” enough to leave you with room for seconds and thirds!
8. Bonus: Pot of Gold Cupcakes
Not so green, but perfectly-themed chocolate cupcakes to bring you some good luck!