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Grill & chill: 6 backyard BBQ recipe ideas

Consumer List

All fired up about BBQ season? You definitely will be after checking out these 6 tasty reasons to get your grill in gear. Salads, burgers, and dessert included.

Building a positive relationship with food – a better way to health

Consumer Article DFC - PLC

Preoccupied with your weight? If so, as you probably know, you’re not alone! Preoccupation with body weight and dieting is extremely pervasive these days. But with so many fad diets and so much conflicting nutrition information, it can be hard to know what to eat! Thankfully, there’s a kinder, more sustainable way to approach your health, by making peace with food.

The basics: Pairing wine and cheese

Consumer Article DFC - PLC

To help take the guesswork out of creating the perfect wine and cheese pairings, here are some easy tips to follow.

Healthy ways to satisfy your sweet tooth

Consumer Article DFC - PLC

Find yourself craving a little sweetness? If so, you’re not alone! Research suggests that our taste for sweet foods is innate – we’re actually born with it. Experts believe that we evolved with our liking for sweetness because our brain depends on glucose (a basic type of sugar) to function.